Technology0Tips for Achieving High Scores in College Programming Assignments


To achieve high scores in programming assignments, buying an expensive course or studying with a mentor is not necessary – you can learn how to deal with tasks successfully on your own with minimal investment. Let’s look at some tips to achieve high scores in college programming assignments.

1. Add programming courses to your college studies.

The most obvious free content source is YouTube. There are enough webinars on any topic, but the information is not always well systematized, and the material may not be disclosed in sufficient depth. Plus, many of the videos were recorded a long time ago and are dedicated to outdated technologies that are not worth wasting time on.

Free programming courses with videos, articles or interactive trainers for beginners are a worthy alternative to YouTube. Here the information is collected in one place – you always know where to start and where to move on. For example, to get acquainted with web layout, you need to master HTML first, then CSS, and only then take on JavaScript.

Such training is suitable for anyone looking for an easy way to deal with college programming assignments on their own – without mentors and thematic chats with classmates.

If you study without commitment, there may be problems with motivation – why complete assignments if no one requires them? Therefore, if you feel a lack of motivation, try combining free programming courses with any of the other methods from this article. Perhaps this disciplines you, making it easier to do your programming assignments.

2. Get help from professional services.

If you don’t know how to deal with your college programming assignments, get help by asking to do my coding assignment. The helping service has a large selection of experts who are knowledgeable in various technologies and programming languages. The assignments will be done in the way you want them and based on your requirements.

3. Find courses with a mentor

There are communities of programmers that are created for learning and are open to everyone: you choose a course, go through an online program, consult with mentors and get a certificate. Everything here is like in paid schools: if you have mastered the knowledge well, you will receive an offer from the course organizers or find a job yourself. This is a great option for anyone who wants to gain additional knowledge to deal with programming assignments successfully.

If you think this is the way to go, try the Rolling Scopes courses, which had 6,500 enrollments in 2021. Everyone who passes the entrance test is accepted – age, education, and place of residence are not important. Each student has a mentor who helps with projects.

There are many applicants, so before entering, you can be examined on basic knowledge of programming. They will most likely ask about HTML, CSS, JavaScript basics, data structures, and algorithms. The requirements usually depend on the course and are published by the organizers on the project website. After passing such courses, you will have more programming knowledge and be able to do your assignments more efficiently.

4. Join a community of like-minded people

There is always something happening in the IT field, so programmers love to meet, exchange information, and share experiences. Many meetings are held specifically for beginners to unite them in groups and help them start in the profession. This option of learning to become a programmer is suitable for everyone who does not like to learn new things alone – so that at any time, there is someone to turn to for support and help with your programming assignments.

For example, let’s take the Meetup platform, an international project with a huge community and regular IT events. Here you can join different groups, where throughout the year, the participants hold meetings, share results, and discuss the problems of mastering a new profession.

When choosing an event, make sure that it is for people with no programming experience. You will get to a professional conference and listen to incomprehensible technical reports and not get any benefit or help with your programming assignments.

5. Use development maps

A roadmap, or development map, is a set of relevant technologies that a programmer must master in order to start and grow in a chosen area. This is a structured plan for learning to program from scratch, outlining what to learn now and in the future to become a sought-after specialist.

Roadmap training is suitable for anyone who likes to figure out the problem on their own, search for information, and study at their own pace without deadlines. Here is a site where you can choose a roadmap for learning:

  • is a project that collects roadmaps in ten areas: Frontend, Backend, React, DevOps, Angular, Android, Go, Python, and Java development, as well as a guide for PostgreSQL database administrators. The roadmaps there will help you to deal with your programming assignments much faster.

To better track progress, we recommend downloading, printing, and hanging the selected roadmap on the wall. And then paint over the studied technologies with a different color. This way, you will have a visual picture of your knowledge and understanding of what is missing for a new level.

6. Try to gamify the process

Gamification is a way to turn boring lectures into a sticky game. Imagine that you need to learn touch-typing to quickly type on the keyboard while doing your programming assignment.

  • Standard option: print a poster and gradually learn where each key is.
  • Alternative way: go through an interactive simulator and then work out the skill in “keyboard races” with other participants.

Both approaches lead to the same result, but the second one is much more fun. Learning through gamification is suitable for those who have already tried to learn something or feel that they will not be able to finish what they started because of boredom.

Choose games that relate to the topic of your programming assignment. If you’ve tested different games and nothing works, or you don’t like it, try adding gamification yourself. Use the method of rewards and punishments that you will assign yourself for completing the assignment. For example, if everything is going well, go to the cinema; if you fall behind, arrange an extra run or a day without sweets. You can involve someone from outside to control the process.


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