Technology0How to boost customer satisfaction for your online store


Customer satisfaction is undoubtedly one of the best ways to improve your business’ bottom line. In addition to making your customers happy, it enables you to retain them, increase lifetime value and also get more referrals. Customer satisfaction also offers an excellent way for you to differentiate your business from the competitors whose focus is on making money.

Knowing this, the question now becomes, how do you boost customer satisfaction with your online store?

Things like customer confidence, matter in the world where anyone with internet access can launch an online store. Consumers want an assurance that you can and will back your claims up and stand behind your solutions. And often, they want to know this before they think about making a purchase.

Look at it this way, if you come across two platforms offering the same solutions; one is professionally done with compelling content, and different contact channels, while the other is off, with one or no contact detail and is not professionally done. Which one are you going to consider working with? Probably the first one – and that makes the rest of the crew.

Want to boost your customer satisfaction rates? Here is how you do it:

Use appealing landing page templates

The first thing that a client sees when they come to your platform is your landing page – you want to make it as appealing as possible. So, ensure that your landing page is attractive, easy to use and well designed to avoid your clients bouncing off to other sites.

Ensure your platform is user-friendly

With so many options available in the market, users are not about to waste their time in a platform that’s hard to go around. That’s why you should make sure that your platform is not just visually appealing, but also intuitive and free of pop up ads. Additionally, it should be responsive (fit in all devices – mobile, computer, tablet) and with quick loading speed. In case you didn’t know, the attention span of human beings is at eight seconds – even lower than the notoriously ill-focused goldfish.

Make it fun to shop

The idea is to provide your leads with a positive yet personal experience that will make them want to come back again. You can do this by issuing an incentive program depending on what or how many things they buy. You can also create an online forum where they interact with other clients, or set up a “wish list” feature that lets your clients bookmark things that they would love to buy later on.

Include an online chat feature

Try emulating the brick and mortar stores which avail a friendly customer service expert to help out. You can do this by providing online chat features that allow clients to raise concerns or questions. You can also use this service to thank clients for stopping by. Don’t forget to include follow-up email surveys that can earn them additional loyalty points.

Provide multiple contact details

This may include a toll-free line, live chat, email, help page, Skype, social media and so on. All these channels allow clients to communicate with you easily. But don’t stop there; be available to answer them as soon as they reach out. And don’t hesitate to ask for feedback – to know where you need to improve.

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