Laravel0Email Scheduler Package for Laravel


The Mailator package is an email scheduler for Laravel. It provides a lightweight package around configuring email schedules and templates based on application events:

1use Binarcode\LaravelMailator\Tests\Fixtures\InvoiceReminderMailable;

2use Binarcode\LaravelMailator\Tests\Fixtures\SerializedConditionCondition;


4Binarcode\LaravelMailator\Scheduler::init('Invoice reminder.')

5 ->mailable(new InvoiceReminderMailable($invoice))

6 ->recipients('', '')

7 ->constraint(new SerializedConditionCondition($invoice))

8 ->days(3)

9 ->before($invoice->due_date)

10 ->save();

The above example takes a Mailable instance, recipients, a set of sending constraints that must evaluate to true, and the ability to schedule the email send “three days before the due date.”

Apart from the above constraint() method, you can implement the package’s Constraintable interface:

1use Binarcode\LaravelMailator\Constraints\Constraintable;


3class InvoiceReminderMailable extends Mailable implements Constraintable


5 public function constraints(): array

6 {

7 return [

8 new DynamicContraint

9 ];

10 }


This package also includes an email templating feature, which you can learn more about in the package readme. You can learn more about this package on GitHub: BinarCode/laravel-mailator.


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