Technology0Quick Tip: How to Add Coupons to a Magento eCommerce Store


Magento coupons

Say you want to run a promotional offer on your Magento eCommerce store; or to give promotional discounts to your users; or perhaps a buy 1 get 1 free offer.

Magento allows the admin to create coupon codes and set the terms and conditions. And the Magento 2 update makes it easier to create coupon codes for your campaign.

Coupon codes can be used with cart price rules to apply a discount that’s pre-set with specific conditions. A coupon code can be generated for a particular group of customers, or for anyone who makes a purchase over a certain amount. The coupons can be emailed to customers, or Magento store owners can create in-store coupons for mobile users.

Adding Coupons from the Admin Panel

Let’s see how can we add coupons from the admin panel.

After logging into admin panel, navigate to Promotions > Shopping Cart Promotional Rules.

The new page shows you all of the shopping cart promotional price rules that have been added. To add a new rule, click on the Add New Rule button on the right-hand side.

This will load a new page through which you’ll be able to add a new rule.

Adding a new rule

Following are the field details:

  • Rule Name: name to identify and describe it.
  • Description: details to specify its purpose.
  • Status: Active/Inactive to apply/not apply.
  • Customer Groups: select General and Not Logged in to cover visitors and registered users visiting front-end.
  • Coupon: select Specific Coupon from the drop down and add your unique coupon code in the field below it. You can also set Uses per Coupon and Uses per Customer to limit the usage of coupon by registered users.
  • From Date/To Date: if the rule is to be set for some specific period, dates can be selected.
  • Priority: priority matters when there’s more than one rule applicable. It will work according to the rule’s priority set from this field.

After adding basic details for the rule, now we need to add the conditions to the rule, if there are any to be added.

  • Go to the Conditions tab for the rule.
  • If you want to apply the rules for all products, you can leave this section without any changes. To add a new condition, click on the + icon.
  • You should select the required condition from the drop down menu.
  • Once the desired condition is chosen, you can add the value of the condition by clicking on the dots:

adding the value of the condition

Add the rule when you get an appropriate one matching your needs and click on the check mark to apply the rule.

Next, you should configure the action that the newly made set will apply to the product or products group you’ve selected when the conditions are met. This can be done via the Actions menu on the left. You’ll be able to choose whether the rule should apply a flat discount rate or a percentage, and then add the amount on the next page:

applying a discount rate

When you’re ready with your settings, click on the Save button on the top right corner.

You’ve now created a coupon for your Magento eCommerce store.


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